The Unknown Dark Truth Behind Valentine's Day



Every couple in the world think that valentine’s day is day for romance, love and kissy-face piety.

But do you know the reality of this festival are actually gloomy and difficult to understand.

Roman Festival were violent

The day from February 13 to 15 the Romans were celebrated the feast of Lupercalia.

But the dark truth behind that day is the men sacrificed a goat and a dog, then whipped women with the hides of the animals they had just slain.

The Roman romantics Noel Lensk were drunk and were completely naked, now he was religious studies professor Yale University.

Lenski described how young women would line up for the men to hit them. They thought it would make them fertile.

A matchmaking lottery, in which young men drew the names of women from a jar, was part of the brutal fete. 

The couple would then be paired up for the duration of the festival — or longer if the match was perfect.

However, the ancient Romans may also be responsible for the name of our modern day of love.

On February 14 of different years in the third century, Emperor Claudius II executed two men, both named Valentine. 

The Catholic Church commemorated their martyrdom with the celebration of St. Valentine's Day.

The holiday spread & it evolved

Later, in the fifth century, Pope Gelasius I muddled things by combining St. Valentine's Day with Lupercalia to expel the pagan rituals. 

However, the festival was more of a theatrical interpretation of what it used to be. 

Lenski went on to say, "It was more of a drinking party but the Christians dressed it up again. Despite this, it was a day of fertility and love".

Galatin's Day was observed by the Normans around the same time. Galatin meant "woman lover". 

That was probably mixed up with St. Valentine's Day at some point, partly because they sound similar.

The holiday became more enjoyable over time. It became popular throughout Britain and the rest of Europe after Chaucer and Shakespeare romanticized it in their works. 

In the Middle Ages, handmade paper cards became popular as tokens.

The tradition eventually made its way to the New World. In the nineteenth century, the Industrial Revolution brought about the introduction of factory-made cards. 

In 1913, Hallmark Cards of Kansas City, Missouri, started mass-producing valentines. Since then, February has not been the same.

How we celebrate valentine's day now?

The holiday is now big business. However, commercialization has ruined the day for many. 

According to Helen Fisher, a sociologist at Rutgers University, we only have ourselves to blame.

She pointed out "This is not a command performance". "If people did not want to buy Hallmark cards, they would not be purchased, and Hallmark would fail".

So, in various ways, Valentine's Day is still celebrated. Many people will spend a fortune on jewelry and flowers for their loved ones. 

Some will observe Singles Awareness Day (SAD) by dining alone and bingeing on self-gifted chocolates, while others will find a way to accept singlehood in a society that expects everyone to partner up.

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